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List of Things to Do

Probably best done in order. Deviate if need be. If any thing here sounds irrational to you, click on "Info" up above and get up to speed on our current state of affairs.

1. Get out of debt. If you use one of the big "problem" banks, such as Bank of America, Chase, or Wells Fargo, stop banking with them. Either don't use a Bank at all or find a smaller, local chain that supports sustainable technology, free energy, or something of that type. Really, you should probably keep yo money under yo mattress. Not if you have Bed Bugs. Kill those first if you have them. 
2. Considering that Police/Military can be utilized against you, best to boycott those entities. If you are Police/Military, research your real role in society until you discover enough dark truth that it makes you sick and quit. If you have family members who are Police/Military, talk them into quitting those roles in lieu of other work. If this sounds like a crazy idea, then you haven't read enough books or seen enough documentaries  based on those books to see what the true purpose of one of our most beloved roles in society is for us. In addition, this means no calling the Police. If you study your Founding Fathers and Constitution, you will know that they intended our Country to be without Police/Courts. We have the right to bear arms so that we may Police ourselves. 
3. Boycott any corporation that is up to "no good". If a corporation is polluting your water? Stop giving them money. Write a letter to the owner, tell them, "I won't buy your _______ again until you can do so in a manner that is sustainable and won't pollute." If we were all to do this, it isn't too crazy to think that we could see major changes happen overnight. Same goes for any ill activity by a corporation. Did they close an American plant down and open one in China for cheaper labor? Don't buy their crap, then. Take what you bought from them and shove it up their ass, yo. You can probably get yo money back, ya know?
4. Try to become self sustainable, especially if you are Middle-Class or higher and can actually afford to do so. What do I mean by this? Convert your home to run off of Solar panels. For what you pay a month in electricity from dirty coal companies, you could get solar panels that can generate power in any conditions. If you have land and can produce food, especially in a sustainable way, go ahead and do so. Produce so much you have to give the extra away for free. We are fully capable of feeding everyone on this planet. Try to convert any vehicle you own to run off of alternative energy sources, get higher gas mileage, or live without using one if you can. Buying a new vehicle? Maybe look into getting an electric car. Do you really need a huge, gas guzzling pick-up? Do you move furniture everyday? Go economical. We won't have gas forever. We cannot use our arable land to produce fuel when people go hungry. I hope the rationale behind this is understood. 
5. Learn to use your rights concerning Police. Use them. Being involved with positive change will make you look bad in their eyes. 
6. Don't stop learning, ever. School is never out. Use your free time to learn about how the system works and how to change it.
7. To stymie Corporate/Government control, we should work together to push forth the idea of dissolving Congress (and Senate?) and using the internet for what it is best at doing. Bringing people together. We live in a very special time and place. For the first time, we can convene online as a collective to create Laws and vote on them directly. No longer would lobbyists be able to influence democracy. I sure hope I don't have to explain to you the beauty of being your own Congress. If things wind up not working out, we could blame ourselves for once instead of some Politician who is for sale to the highest Bidder. There is already someone working on this idea. He probably needs our help. Use this button to go to the page.
8. Refuse all RFID technologies. The endgame objective of the global network of Bankers is to get everyone on this Earth chipped. We cannot let them do this as that would allow us to have all of our power taken from us. We would no longer have an opportunity for Freedom. If you can, refrain from buying technology that contains RFID chips as not to increase demand for them. Don't buy phones that have them. Don't buy passports that have them. Don't use cards that have them. They will do anything to "butter us up" regarding this technology. Not unless you want your retarded Bible "prophecies" come true. It can all easily be prevented. 
9. Participate as much as you can in clean up, recycling and reusing. Any bag can be a reusable bag. 
10. Think in terms of prevention instead of reaction. 
11. Check out the Venus Project its activist arm, The Zeitgeist Movement. There you will find like minded individuals who are working on making a better society everyday. Information there is always being updated. If you can, invest in the technologies described in the Venus Project. Shoot, if you have land, try using their architectural designs yourself and see if they work or not? I would do it if I didn't live off of less than $100 a week. 
12. Always seek truth. It is out there. 
13. Watch for updates! Everything done out of love for all humankind. I can't just sit and stare at a TV while billions starve with no real food shortages. 
14. My man has a great idea to transition to a money-less society, give me time to write it out, though. This is hard work and it doesn't put food on my table. 
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