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Who is Lucy Sage Dreamtree? Aka.... LSD? DMT?

While "I" am a very "real" person, what I am and what I am not is really entirely up to you. Isn't that true of all of the people that you encounter in your lifetime? I only mean as much to you as you are willing to allow anyway, which is the same for all of us, really. To be real, I am a mother, I have the "Mitochondrial Eve" inside of me just as she is inside of you. It isn't a matter of "male" or "female", it is just a simple matter of being a human vessel thrown into this seemingly complex world of beauty and chaos. We all have the same tools and have the same requirements from our environment. We all want food, water, shelter, love, comfort, understanding and respect. Some of us get all of that without trying. Some of use seem to draw some bad Tarot Card in life and are forced to endure what comes with that bad draw. The thing is, we all have energy that can be put to some really powerful use. Too often, that energy is diverted by those in "power" who may seek dominion over the minds of the common "mortal". However, if you aware that this can happen, you can consciously prevent it. Maybe that is what this is all about? There are infinite ways that consciousness can be "expanded". Some achieve this through seemingly "mystical" means, such as religion, spirituality, altered mind-states, masturbation, or filling this planet to the brim with babies. Others achieve this though simple observation, empathy, and a sincere desire to be the change they want to see in this world. There is truth. There are absolutes. To ignore this fact might just hold us back. Embrace what is real and if it is not to your liking, fucking change it, dude! We do have the power. 


Born in Florida, Lucy ate LSD at the tender age of 4. Do not feel sorry for her, for there is nothing to feel sorry about. "All things happen for a reason" as some put it. For this to happen to such a young person is perhaps a blessing in disguise? Lucy is alert, aware, on the move, caring, doing, being, loving and always putting a foot in the mud if it feels like it is the right "direction". You don't have to be perfect to be loved. She understands this concept and loves all people. Only through this love can real change manifest. 

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