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Information: Arrive to conclusions...

Yo, bro! This is what up, yo! Use the buttons below to get to know the mind of this "hoe". No, no, not that kind of "hoe", ya know? Easy does it, now. It really isn't hard to understand how this world actually works. If it ever seemed confusing at school it may of been because it was meant to be confusing? It isn't hard to understand why people flip out and go "psycho", either. In fact, you can predict this behavior. We are a product of our environment, right? We all need to be on the same page in order to make progress, so to let you know what is causing our problem and hints on how to solve it, I provided for you with these various buttons below that lead to various resources of information. If we can all master this information, we can begin to act like a "hive mind" and get some "real shit" done around here, yo! "We got this shit!"-LSD

I do not own any of this material. It is important, however, that we all understand what we are up against and how to deal with it as one human team. We are all Earthlings here. We all have the same needs. There are solutions to our world problems that have EVERYONE's well-being in mind. We can all have a high quality of life. Whether poor, or an Oligarch, we have everything to gain by cooperating toward a common goal. All I do here is help make people aware when i am not having to be a Mom. Anything I write is based on all material I have absorbed in this lifetime. I have been reading books since I was 6 and can contest that the information presented in any of these films is mostly true. My "husband" (for a lack of a better word) worked for the Government and can account for a lot of the material presented. By reading, you can prove or disprove any information presented. Good luck.  

Capitalists tell me money is the only motivator, is it really? <3

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I have already worked on this for weeks for free, so...
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