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Woah! Stop right there, yo! Stop what you're doing!

You ever just stop and take a hard look at the world around you?

Scratch the sniff paper? Look beyond headlines? Question authorities? Turn off the TV and just think to yourself?

Ever think there is nothing bad about overthinking?

Holy shit, you might just be in the right place, friend. This is a place for thought and feeling. This is the time to be alive! We are lucky to be in this very special time and place in history. There are so many options before us, yet, many of us aren't even aware that there is even a fork in the road. Well, the fork in the road is there, it has been stuck into the turkey and the bird is well done. It might be time to clean this place up a bit? If you stumbled onto this place, you are most welcome here, friend or foe. Take off your shoes. It is time to share our dreams. Time to take a look at the real problems and try our hardest not to scream. If you are like me and i am like you, we want a better world for ourselves. In this case, it is almost okay to be selfish. I know because I am a mom. I am Lucy Sage Dreamtree and just for you, here is a "song". Help me help you and everything could be brand new. We just have to wake up in time for all of us to make-up. It isn't the end, just flow with it, my friend.


"We got this shit"-LSD

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